XM Webinar Discuss the Impact of De-dollarization

August 14, 2023

De-dollarization appears almost too promising given the continued significant dominance of the USD in today's world. XM will delve into this topic during a free webinar.

xm webinar

To educate traders, many brokers offer free webinars. XM Brokerage is one of the best brokers who provide education through online classes.

This week, the XM webinar will be held on August 23, 2023, from 18.00 to 20.00 WIB (GMT+7). This is evidence of how much XM Brokerage cares about their client's well-being.

For information, this class is free. The instructors are the forex experts: Jonatan Sara, Fransiskus X. Sutjiharto, and Ardi Novianto Putra. The two have great experience in the market and will be able to offer their wisdom.

This time, the webinar will talk more deeply about Dedollarization and will take the traders to discuss how it works and impacts trading.

Attendees and clients who deposit 250 USD (Consecutive) or more within the promotional period 30/08/2023 - 30/09/2023 can claim the Avramis Analyzer indicator and learn how to use it.


More about Dedollarization

The US dollar reigns supreme in the world of currencies due to its stable value, the vast size of the U.S. economy, and the significant influence of the United States on the global stage. However, there have been attempts to reduce the dollar's dominance.

Many emerging economies actively explore alternatives for conducting international trade using currencies other than the dollar, a trend commonly called "de-dollarization."

Countries are gradually reducing their reliance on the US Dollar, particularly in light of the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This poses a challenge to the dominant status of the dollar.

While complete de-dollarization may seem unlikely, it could happen incrementally. Geopolitical uncertainties, apprehensions about US monetary policies, and global initiatives to achieve financial autonomy are reasons why economies are considering breaking free from the dominance of the US dollar.

Review XM

XM adalah broker teregulasi dengan beragam fasilitas trading. Di sini, trader bisa mendapatkan leverage hingga 1:888, ultra low spread, bebas biaya deposit withdrawal, welcome bonus dan program loyalty, hingga webinar rutin untuk belajar trading. Selengkapnya

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